Ottica Franceschetto Eyecode Varilux

We are Varilux Specialists specialized in the prescription and assembly of the best progressive lenses. Varilux lenses are the best progressive lenses on the market, being Essilor the leader in progressive lens design. A total of 400 million people worldwide wear or have worn Varilux lenses, with a new wearer every three seconds.

The lenses Varilux they are tested and approved by carriers all over the world thanks to an exclusive process called “Live Optics” .

LiveOptics develops in 4 fundamental phases:

  • Human Vision: the researchers develop a thorough investigation into the lifestyles of the lens wearer, based on real needs and a thorough knowledge of the bearer's physiology.
  • Wearer Testing: the lenses are tested by porters to validate performance and to measure satisfaction.
  • Varilux Virtual Reality: this survey is carried out in multi-sensorial mode thanks to digital techniques involving virtual reality and design simulations.
  • Prototyping: the prototype lenses are created and then measured to ensure new features and incremental performance.


Ottica Franceschetto esame optometrico

In our center there are the figures of Opticians and Optometrists , professionals with university training.

Through optometry it is possible to evaluate the correction of any visual defect using optical means. Optometry is based on an interdisciplinary physical, biological and psychological knowledge.

The optometric examination is a professional service that allows you to evaluate over time the changes in the visual state and the congruence of the visual solutions in use, using innovative methods and instruments. We are able to propose optical solutions even in the most complex cases.


Ottica Franceschetto applicazione lenti a contatto

Contact lenses are a class 2 A medical device and represent a means of correcting visual defects. It is therefore important to carry out regular checks and only use the type of lens prescribed by the specialist to avoid complication and / or serious eye damage..

Le lenti a contatto devono essere prescritte da uno specialista dopo aver effettuato un’analisi preliminare per escludere qualsiasi controindicazione all’utilizzo di queste ed individuare la lente a contatto più adatta. Infatti le lenti a contatto non sono tutte uguali, ma hanno diametri, raggi, materiali e durate (giornaliere, settimanali, quindicinali, mensili, trimestrali, semestrali, annuali) diversi.


Il laboratorio di Ottica Franceschetto

It is our care to provide you with the best glasses according to your needs: lightness, size, even hypoallergenic materials. We work with the largest manufacturers of ophthalmic lenses in the world to guarantee maximum professionalism and visual quality. We have a laboratory inside our shop to guarantee you the highest quality. We do not entrust the installation of your glasses to external companies. In this way we can guarantee the best mounting for your lenses based on their thickness and the material of the frame. We can pre-calibrate your lenses: they are designed and then built according to the frame to give them the ideal thicknesses.

We also use the latest digital instruments that evaluate your eye movements from far and near, the inclination of the head, the eye rotation center, the dominant eye, the reading distance and your posture, all subjective characteristics that allow the personalization of your ophthalmic lenses, both progressive and monofocal.


Equipped with the most advanced and innovative instruments, we are able to customize your prescription and sun lenses by engraving your name, initials, symbols and images on the lens itself, or giving your ophthalmic lenses a refined or even designed shape.